Wednesday, November 5, 2008

FINALLY.... Congratulations Mr. President and First Family


Allison Miranda said...

I like those cartoons! :-)

My eyes are still welling up with tears almost 24 hours later! When I read on the screen that President Obama had won, the tears started rolling, and I was speechless (those that know me, know that's odd for me LOL). I am so thankful to have witnessed this great moment, and glad that our elders from the Civil Rights Movement got to witness it in their lifetimes.

What dampens my mood is when some of my White friends say "they're terrified for the future of this country." WTH?! President Obama couldn't do any worse than George Bush has! I wonder if they just think that a Black person can't run the country successfully. See, I TRY to leave race out of it, but look what they make me say!

Anyway, Congratulations President Obama!

Divalocity said...

Let me add, Ja! or Oui! For Me!