File this one under "Working people's tax dollars at work". I actually feel sorry for the people of the State of Tennessee, because they have become the defacto parents for the 21 children created by one man and 11 women.
I can't say that I feel sorry for the mothers of the bastards because most of them admitted to knowing about the score of children this man had created. In the space of 2 years Desmond Hatchett fathered 8 children. He works minimum wage and probably only keeps a job to keep from being arrested and sentenced to jail. The state of TN is limited in its ability to force Hatchett to get a vasectomy or even a better paying job. Under current law, the state can only recoup 50% of his paycheck to split among the 11 mothers and the 21 children. Some mothers receive as little as 2.00 per sperm emission. and many have had more than one child with him, which really speaks to their mettle as the strong, intelligent, and purposeful women they are!
I know father's day has to be a complete hoot because I am sure that each mother uses her welfare check and food stamps to have a "Baby Daddy's Day" cookout to commemorate the virility of Mr. Hatchett. Even worse is the fact the the sorry ass Hatchett believes that he's a good father because he know all of the names of his children, their birth dates, and apparently when their mother are ovulating. Asked whether he has decided to have more children, he responded, "It just happened". So while many of you will comment about how society has made him and the women the way they are, that the children are innocent, and that I shouldn't be judging him or them, please take this time receive from me, a heartfelt middle finger.
The state of TN better keep a close watch on these children as they grow and mature into adult liabilities that the state will soon have to care for as prisoners, welfare recipients, and other degenerates. I cannot feel sorry for or even defend the women because they knew that this man was a jackass. They still chose to ride his dick, and even worse chose to incubate his seed. The story is disgusting in every way. The only victim in this sad story is the state of TN. Because of the critical failure of 12 people to make good choices, 21 people will end up having to be raised by the state and you KNOW how great the state is at caring for children... especially black ones!
Young, dumb, and OBVIOUSLY full of cum. He's worth more dead than he is alive. At least if he were dead, the state could leverage funds against the SSI survivor checks the kids would get until they were 18. Some sociolgist needs to follow the paths of these various bastard children to determine how they will end up... although I already have a pretty good idea.
21, in this case is NOT a winning number.
Here's to the powerful sperm of Desmond Hatchett!