Wednesday, January 30, 2008

National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is February 7, 2008... KNOW YOUR STATUS!


Just a reminder that February 7, 2008 is National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. I am posting this on today to give everyone a week or so to discover what activities are going on in your local area. Please visit for more information.

Since African Americans are disproportionately affected by the devastation of HIV/AIDS, please KNOW YOUR STATUS. GET TESTED. USE CONDOMS.

I have worked in this field for approximately 10 years now, first as a scientist and now as a social worker. Please don't sacrifice your health to fear and ignorance. Even if you test positive for HIV your life isn't over; there are resources available to you, your loved ones, etc. to help you live a full and happy life.

HIV/AIDS does not discriminate on a basis. Even if you have unprotected sex just once, you have put yourself at risk for contracting the virus. Please visit and for more info on how to prevent HIV transmission.

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