That brief hiatus ends today. So many of you have been visiting my blog quite frequently to read a series of posts I wrote in February of this year discussing the failures of the Black Church and its leaders and layity. One post was about Bishop Frederick D. Kelley in the COGIC being convicted of molesting and raping his foster daughter. From that sexual impropriety (that his wife was complicit in hiding) a child was conceived and Kelley and his wife took the child from their foster daughter and reared it as their own. Kelley was sentenced to 35 years in prison and is serving out his sentence in a Georgia State Correctional Facility. I'm sure someone is busting that ass wide open as we speak!
I went to the Georgia Department of Corrections website just to verify that this man of the cloth was incarcerated -- and as it turns out, he IS! He will not be eleigible for parole until 2043. Don't you just love that?
Recently, Mr. Juanita Bynum - Thomas Weeks III lost his church for refusing to pay his bills. He was approximately 400K in arrears when the Gwinnett County Sherriff's deputies came to evict Weeks' and his flock. They apparently interrupted Weeks from his weekly "Fleece the Flock and take advantage of the Greedy and Stupid" meeting, AKA Church Service. Regrettably, no one in Weeks church took the hint from God to stop supporting him. People in his church still stood in line at a rented ball room in a Holiday Inn Express to give him money. How irionic is that? I thought being at a Holiday Inn Expess made people smarter, not gullible... Bless their stupid little hearts and even tinier brains.
Any rational person would ask, why do we continue to support these types of people? However, I don't think that's the question that should be asked anymore. Let's allow the stupid and greedy to "get got". The question for those of us with common sense should be, "How long will we allow these bloodsucking leeches to exists?" It is apparent that not even church folk can depend on other church folk. christians, believers, etc. to keep them from being victimized. Truthfully, I group all of them together until I can see a clear distinction among the "wheat and the chaff". I don't see more black christians being involved in advocay groups that raise awareness about abuse in the black church. What I see is excuse making and passive aggressive acquiesence. Many of the self-professed "true beleievers" will acknowledge the shortcomings of the black, but that's it. They do nothing the keep the experiences of the victims of the black church from happening to other people.
They typically twist scriptures to justify their apathy and sloth. They incorrectly apply the "judge not, lest ye be judged" idiom to relinquish their responsibility to their fellow believers to question the egregious conduct of their leaders. I get it, No one wants to be responsible for the implosion of their church or denomination. The cost of preserving a traditionalist institution that relies on blind faith and complete abandon of critical thinking, far outweighs the far reaching impact that spiritual mutilation has had on the lives of many parishoners/believers.
Those who choose to do the opposite of the true believers are ridiculed, condemned, and are often the objects of vicious personal attacks and vitriol... all from the hands of true believers.
This video embodies the unpopular view of the black church. It emphasizes the experiences of the victims over the lives of leaders and the foundations of churches. (Hat Tip to Kevin AKA NotYourTypicalNegro on youtube)
What say you? I must warn you though, if you come to this blog expecting to defend the black church's foolishness, be very ready to be torn a new one. I will only allow such stupidity to be displayed in one or two comment posts at the most.